Осетин Мурат Пухаев стал чемпионом мира по кикбоксингу

8 октября 2007 Спорт [версия для печати] [читать комментарии] [размер шрифта: a- | А+] [5121 просмотр]
Осетин Мурат Пухаев стал чемпионом мира по кикбоксингу
  На прошедшем в столице Сербии Белграде 16-ом чемпионате мира по кикбоксингу, титул чемпиона мира в весовой категории до 84 кг завоевал уроженец Южной Осетии Мурат Пухаев. На соревновании он представлял сборную России по кикбоксингу.
   В финальном поединке Мурат победил своего немецкого оппонента и в очередной раз стал чемпионом мира. После этого успеха Мурату Пухаеву присвоено звание заслуженного мастера спорта России.Источник:

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8 октября 2007 14:38

МУРАТ, пускай это победа, будет твоей самой маленькой победой. БИРАЕ ДЫН БАНТЫСАЕТ!!!!!!!!

  • dfrbdfrb

8 октября 2007 16:02

ссылка ]

2007-10-07 00:26:17

Anders Только что получил письмо с руганью в адрес моего сайта.

Оно на английском, но... к то может - напрягитесь, почитайте.



Итак, ффтыкайте :)

Hello there,

My name is Diana Friedman and I recently came across your website in which you discuss the Abkhazian-Georgian conflict at length. I am writing to express my alarm and concern over the bias that is displayed in the articles on the site. It seems to me that you have probably amassed information from a general search on the Web. Otherwise, I cannot quite comprehend how it is that you seem to presume that the Georgians are the only victims in this conflict.

Firstly, I must address the link: [ ссылка ]

Firstly, Abkhazians were and have never been a part of the Georgian nation. They have their own distinct language, culture, and traditions, and are definitely more closely related to Circassians, Adygs, and Ubykhs. Intermarriage did exist, but not to the extent that your site depicts it. There were unions between the two during calmer times, but never has there been an outright acceptance from the Abkhazian people of the forced governance of the Georgian government.

In addition, during the period of conflict in the Caucasus instigated by Russian troops in the 17 and 1800's, a mass genocide of the Circassian/Abkhazian/Chechen/etc peoples was perpetuated by the Russian military, and millions were forced to exile in southeastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire. Over 250 to 300,000 ethnic Abkhazians were forced to leave. As a result of this, Georgians who remained in the Caucasus then took the advantage of moving in on their territory and established themselves. Hence, this is why there are fifth to sixth generation Georgians living in Abkhazia proper. The claims many make that these people have dwelled on Abkhazian lands for millenia is quite simply a falsehood that can easily be debunked through proper proof and facts in the academia world (the UNBIASED one, mind you).

Your graph is also very unbalanced and misleading.

Number 7 was the most disturbing by far. Ethnic cleansing was not the issue when Abkhaz fighters came upon violent Georgian insurgents.

(Вот это особенно интересно, блядь! Вы все, оказывается, вклпючая убитых детей и стариков - не кто иной, как «грузинские мятежники», которых «абхазы подавляли»!)

It is indeed a shame to depict these events as a DELIBERATE "ethnic cleansing" campaign, when quite honestly these people were only seeking to defend themselves against hostile actions from their neighbors. I know this for a fact because I lived in the neighboring republic of Kabardino-Balkaria during this war working as a journalist

(журналиста, значит!)

and I have eyewitness accounts of people in the region at the time who swear that this is a falsehood. In addition, I have visited this area and know for myself personally that this is not true. What do you expect from a people who live on a land they are not native to, and have their brothers come in to fight the dominant group in the region?

(вас в Абхазии и рядом не стояло, оказывается)

Do you honestly expect them to side with the former group and turn their back on those who share the same history, culture, and background as they do? Please, be aware that you are spreading dangerous and wrong lies about this conflict. Any uninformed person will read this and assume the worst, when in fact, history is now repeating itself with the Georgian military beefing itself up for yet another unprovoked attack against both its neighbors, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Either you are a Georgian sympathiser, (which is fine, I have nothing against Georgians, but I do have something against people who intentionally write trash to serve their own gains), or you are quite simply ignorant of the facts at hand. I have shown your site to several Abkhazians and Georgians alike who all believe in freedom for both nations and they were all alarmed by this as well.

(оказывается и абхазы, и грузины, которые ее.. знакомые - все были в бешенстве от моего сайта!)

I suggest you contact highly skilled and neutral scholars regarding this topic

(здесь ржал до коликов!)

and I urge you to edit the information that you have on your site. It is not ethical by any means.

(Этика?!!! Сссучка базарная...)

I have also called attention upon other sources of information I have seen that were clearly wrong, based on information for conflicts in Southeast Asia, Central America, and so on. So, please do not assume that I am particularily biased against Georgians in particular. I simply do not feel comfortable with such information being shown on the Internet without any sort of validation.

Finally, this sentence is a straight out lie:

In their turn, pro-Moscow Apsua separatists repeatedly stated that they are not willing to for any compromise and insist on "independence within Russia"

My friend, they want complete independence for THEMSELVES, not with Georgia, not with Russia, not with anyone else. Please do the right thing and also offer the Abkhaz side of the conflict.

With kind regards,

Ms. Diana Friedman

Короче... если у кого есть желание что-то ответить этой... журналистке - можете писать мне. Я ей форвардну. Только будьте добры, пишите по-английски.

  • dfrbdfrb

8 октября 2007 16:05






8 октября 2007 17:47

А мозги у вашего окруашвили...., который обосрался и отказался от своих слов, уже и виноватым себя признал и готов денюшки отстегнуть, за свое очко испгался. Такого говноеда и зеки не приняли, раком поставили. Сучья нация или гибрид.

8 октября 2007 20:15

А что здесь делает грузинский прихвостень?

Чтобы засорять порядочный осетинский сайт матом и десредитировать его в глазах посетителей?

Админ, обрати внимание, пожалуйста.

Ацы анауаг ныхаста канд иратта на касынц. Ама уыдон цамай зонынц, чи на чи у.

19 октября 2007 02:47

dfrbdfrb: tebia rakom nado postavit kak i Okruashvili :))))) Vot togda ti budesh kak milenki k osetinam


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